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Reviews for "SSAM #3"

lalalalalalalaalalalalalalalla allalaallaladfmjisg

Ha Ha he looses everything dud you are hilarious. I wish there were more comedies like this.

This made me cry

If this is true I know what its like because i'll never forget the smile of who I wanted to be with for ever. She left last week I cryed for hours, but im never going to see her again, just now ive realised that im not the only one and maybie its time to move on, but its so hard I just cant.
I dont know how but this kinda lifted my spirits even just abit =').

- Anubis AOM Champion and heartbroken

Great series

I'm enjoying your series a lot so far.

One thing to fix in ep 3 is to make the song stop playing when you hit replay..

Keep up the awesome work! =D

my tip ,

INGORE EVERYONE ELSES SUGGJESTIONS, if you belive its true love then it is dont bother doubting, just belive in yourself, time can heal anything just let it do what it does best. and i wish you and your girlfriend have many many long and happy years ahead of you.

pretty good for an emo

that was really good i have felt real love so i know what your going through but please stop with the emo shit u can stay if u want but all im saying is that u dont have to be like everyone else if that is the problems and if it was a real thing that happened then grab that knife that u were slashed with and slap the guy around a bit that slash him, then break the blade in front of him and as for the girl get her back and if she's cheating on u then break out the funnel and keg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!