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Reviews for "Dear, Princess"

So basically what you're saying is that Jesus, and therefore Christianity isn't religion, since the 'princess' was rejected by religion.

How very ironic and sad.

Your family won't abandon you, your friends (if good ones) won't abandon you, drugs (if you have the money) won't abandon you. Religion *will* abandon you, right after you come to realize that the things you've been taught make no sense in the real world. Not gonna try to disprove Christianity or any other religion, because it's been done countless times. You people need to wake up.

There is no prince hiding behind the door. There is no happy ending filled with everlasting life. That's why you need to make the best of what life you do have, instead of trying to spread your foolish beliefs around to people who know better than you. .-.

exninja123 responds:

Here's some wise words of a unique character named Puddleglum:
" I'm a chap who always liked to know the worst and then put the best face I can on it. So I won't deny any of what you said. But there's one thing more to be said, even so. Suppose we have only dreamed, or made up, all those things - trees and grass and sun and moon and stars and Aslan himself. Suppose we have. Then all I can say is that, in that case, the made-up things seem a good deal more important than the real ones. Suppose this black pit of a kingdom of yours is the only world. Well, it strikes me as a pretty poor one. And that's a funny thing, when you come to think of it. We're just babies making up a game, if you're right. But four babies playing a game can make a playworld which licks your real world hollow. That's why I'm going to stand by the play-world. I'm on Aslan's side even if there isn't any Aslan to lead it. I'm going to live as like a Narnian as I can even if there isn't any Narnia. So, thanking you kindly for our supper, if these two gentlemen and the young lady are ready, we're leaving your court at once and setting out in the dark to spend our lives looking for Overland. Not that our lives will be very long, I should think; but that's a small loss if the world's as dull a place as you say."

thanks for the review! :)

I'll have to agree that your message is a bit too well hidden. I'm a Catholic, and at no momment I thought this was about Jesus at all. Maybe for the part about her ignoring him, but that's it, and too weak a reference. The princes representing aspects of life was not easy to get either, even with the image shift from them to the other icons. And as others indicated, everyone, even family, will abandon you? Worse, here they didn't abandon, they flat out refused her from the start. Maybe have them reply and then slowly lose contact would look better. Also, one doesn't need to be abandoned by everything to find Jesus, but I know this is not the message you wanted to pass.
Anyway, nice animation.

exninja123 responds:

thanks! :)

im not too happy with the story to be honest, having seen the video and your explaination about what represents what, i find it a bit shortsighted. it basically says that everything will betray you, including people that love you and your family, EXCEPT JEZUS. im not religous myself, but i find it hard to believe that even people that believe in jezus would not be offended by this message.

i like the animation, and the voiceover actually complimented the animation style well. but the message this story tries to tell is a horrible one, and anyone who REALLY believes like that needs to take a step back and consider that they might be a extremist

exninja123 responds:

sorry if you got that message.
thanks for the review! :)

Can't say I like it it looked interesting but the overal message and story are way too preachy, also trying to convey religon (yeah it is religious as soon as you put in a message about Christ) just dampers the already mildly alright love story. I recommend trying to make another video if it has message not so preachy and not so religous, those are my cents right there.

exninja123 responds:

thanks for the review! :)

The writing kinda killed the mood... I felt like I was reading a chain letter on some kid's facebook wall. English isn't my first language and I'm usually not very difficult about the structure of a text but there were so many awkward sentences that I couldn't sit through the whole thing

Since the story is the main focus of the animation, I can't really say anything else... I wasn't especially impressed by the drawings (especially not by the tears coming out from both ends of the girl's eyes) and, as you said yourself, the voice acting needs work (sounded like you were trying not to wake someone up while recording the voices)

Other than that, the movie gets the point accross pretty well, and the in-depth interpretation you provided makes sense

exninja123 responds:

thanks for the review! :)