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Reviews for "Primal Champions"

The game is really fun the voice acting is a nice addition to the flash game
you could use a manual that shows all the controls as i never found out how to use primal call which would make the end boss beatable the quests seem to have several that are bugged and do not complete, as well as a bug when changing zones that can cause one character to never spawn unless you open the map. as well as if any other key is pressed when moving it can cause a small bug that delays the reconization that your at a new tile. i like that it is a keyboard game as i play on a laptop but can get annoying trying to figure out which direction the path goes minor irritation if anything

MonoFlauta responds:

About the quest, I am checking them. Also, when you change zones, it is (for a weird reason) a bit random. For someones it works good and for other ones it doesn't. What I can give as solution until I can fix it is that you open and close the menu, that should respawn your characters in the right position.

Other than that, thanks a lot for playing the game!

Excellent Game! I don't normally like turnbased games or anything like them but this is very good for a flash RPG. I was expecting it to be very grind-based, but it was pleasingly balanced in the level gain rate and power&damage level. I especially enjoyed the little easter-egg mini-bosses like the dwarf. It was a good idea for a little boost- especially if the chosen team didn't compliment each other well.

MonoFlauta responds:

Thanks a lot for the review and for playing it :D

While this game is great, it has a lot of flaws that need to be addressed.

- I have Cog and Wyvern on my first playthrough, and when I learned Wyverns shield, I noticed...
WHY THE HELL DOES HE ALWAYS CAST IT ON COG???? Cog already has a reflect move, so when I order you to cast the shield, I want you to shield yourself, dumbass! And you know what's even worse? If you use Cog's reflect and Wyverns shield, Cog will do 0 damage with the counterattack, because all damage has been reflected by the shield!
TL DR: Wyvern needs to learn how to cast the shield on himself. In my case, he only does that when his ally, Cog, is dead.

- I created new games in order to try out the other characters, and I realised the game is A LOT harder if you don't have wyvern. The area attack is overpowered compared to the other characters, up to the point when I die in almost every battle. In my second slot I tried the knight and the healer, and I wasn't able to beat the goblin king at level 4, when with cog and wyvern is piece of cake, and on my 3rd slot I tried the rogue and the hunter, which brings me to my third point:

- When I fought the goblin king with the rogue and hunter, the hunter died first, and I was with my rogue vs the king, both at low life. I used stealth, and just as the animation finished, he attacked me, and the game over screen appeared, but I was still alive, and able to attack. So I killed him while being in game over screen, and got the victory.

This game is good. However, I think this game would be even better if there was a (not sure the correct term) a non-real time battle option. The time orders go so fast, I just basically spam the keys, and there is really no time for strategy. I also wish that I could have more people in my party. This is really nothing big, but I am a bit curious about how much experience monsters give. I noticed some of my character would level faster, but I could not figure out how.

Como he visto que tu lengua materna es el castellano te escribo usándolo que para eso también es la mía jejejeje. El juego en sí está bastante bien, pero estaría mejor si pusieras algún tipo de teletransporte entre zona y zona (quizás ya existe pero no sé utilizarlo, lo digo porque en las misiones pone algo de un "warp shard").
También estaría bien cierta interacción entre los 2 personajes, no que únicamente hable el primero que has escogido.
Por otra parte, el hecho de que solo tengas que esperar y pulsar (cada habilidad por separado) deja fuera bastantes posibilidades en cuanto a estrategia.
Solo he probado a la ladrona y el guerrero, la segunda habilidad en la que desaparece, deja bastante que desear y a mí aún no me ha funcionado.
Por último, las misiones podrían ofrecer algún tipo de aliciente para cumplirlas, desbloquear zonas extra, incluso equipamiento o guardianes.
Aún así, te repito que el juego no está nada mal.
Un saludo desde Madrid!
P.D.: Me encanta tu nick! XD

MonoFlauta responds:

Hola, antes que nada gracias por jugarlo!

El warp existe, te lo da Thalquin en el último nivel para volver y hacer las quest que te faltaban :)
En cuanto a la interacción a que te referis? Varios utilizan habilidades que se pueden combinar entre sí con un poco de estrategia y los diálogos hablan ambos entre sí de vez en cuando.

Sobre lo de esperar y pulsar, bueno, la estrategia varia, si queres combinar habilidades quizá tengas que esperar a que la del otro personaje se cargue o quizá, por ejemplo contra Malachi y Zar'kha tengas que esperar el momento adecuado para pegar y a cual de los dos pegarle.

En cuanto a la segunda habilidad de Nessys, es muy difícil de utilizar bien pero da una gran ventaja, prácticamente te volves invulnerable y si tu enemigo te envía un ataque muy potente lo podes evitar en su totalidad. Igualmente, entiendo que es muy difícil sincronizar.

Y si, coincido en que las misiones deberían dar algo extra por completarlas. Son más los easter eggs que dan cosas que las misiones y tenes razón. Si llegamos a hacer otro juego como este lo tendremos en cuenta :)

Gracias por haber probado el juego y un saludo!